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현대 창시자 현재 회장 정주영 명언

by 롱쌤 2023. 4. 27.

우리 한국인은 모두 작심만 하면 뛰어난 정신력으로 어떤 난관도 돌파할 수 있는 민족이다.

(1972년 3월 중공업 기공식에서)


무슨 일이든 할 수 있다고 생각하는 사람이 해내는 법이다. 의심하면 의심하는 만큼 밖에는 못하고, 할 수 없다고 생각하면 할 수 없는 것이다.

(1976년 주베일 산업항 공사현장)

안 된다고 보는 사람이 많을수록 기어코 해내고 말겠다는 결심은 더 굳세어지고, 일이 되도록 하기 위한 노력을 더욱 더 치열하게 할 수 밖에 없어진다.

(1970년 현대조선소 구상 시)

어떤 실수보다도 치명적인 실수는 일을 포기해 버리는 것이다.

(1973년 1호선 건조 시)

나는 現代를 가장 큰 회사보다는 가장 깨끗한 회사로 만들겠다는 목표를 갖고 있다. 우리가 가장 깨끗한 회사를 만들면 한국은 물론 세계에서 가장 높은 공신력을 갖고 가장 효율적인 회사로 발전해 나갈 수 있을 것이다.

(1983년 현대그룹 간부 특강)

사람은 적당히 게으르고 싶고, 적당히 재미있고 싶고, 적당히 편하고 싶어한다.

'적당히'의 그물 사이로 귀중한 시간을 헛되이 빠져나가게 하는 것처럼 우매한 짓은 없다.

생각하며 사는 사람은 보통사람의 10배, 100배의 일을 해낼 수 있다.

노는 자리에 가서 노는지 마는지, 일하는 시간에 일하는지 마는지, 자는 시간에 자는지 마는지 하는 사람을 질타하는 이유도 바로 이 때문이다.

(1980년 12월호 사보 인터뷰에서)

나를 세계적인 대기업을 경영하는 한국인으로 평가하는지 모르지만, 나는 부유한 노동자일뿐이다.

(1982년 美 조지워싱턴대에서 명예경영학박사 학위 취득 기념 만찬회에서) 내가 평생 동안 새벽 일찍 일어나는 것은 그날 할 일이 즐거워서 기대와 흥분으로 마음이 설레기 때문이다.

(1983년 7월 신입사원 수련대회)

내가 행복감을 느끼면서 살 수 있는 것은 이 세상을 아름답고 밝게, 희망적으로, 긍정적으로 보기 때문이다.

(1983년 7월 신입사원 하계수련대회 특강에서) 직장은 월급 때문에 다니는 곳이 아니고 자신의 발전 때문에 다녀야 한다.

(1986년 8월 신입사원 수련대회에서) 사람은 나쁜 운과 좋은 운을 동시에 가지고 있다. 즐겁게 일할 수 있는 시간이 좋은 운이다. 열심히 일하는 사람에게는 나쁜 운이 들어올 틈이 없다. 운이 나쁘다고 말하는 사람들은 대개 게으르다.

(1991년 7월 광주MBC 시민교양강좌에서) 자기 자신의 실패는 가슴깊이 새겨 두어야 한다. 실패를 망각하는 사람은 또 다른 실패가 있을뿐이다.

(1966년 타이 태국 고속도로 현장에서) 배를 만드는 것도 어려울 것이 없다. 우리가 하는 건축공사를 육지에서 수상으로 장소를 옮겨서 건축하는 차이일 뿐이다.

(1971년 조선소 건설공사를 검토하면서) 우리가 잘 되는 것이 나라가 잘 되는 것이며, 나라가 잘 되는 것이 우리가 잘 될 수 있는 길이다.

나는 이날까지 어느 공장이고 땅을 마련하는 데서부터 시작해, 말뚝을 박고 길을 닦아서, 그위에 내 손으로 내가 지어서 시작하지 않은 공장이 없다.

기업의 성공에는 모든 모험적인 정보, 모든 모험적인 노력, 모든 모험적인 용기가 필수적이다.

국제 경쟁력은 새로운 변화에 적응하는 정책 대안을 어느 국가, 어느 기업이 더 빨리 더 제대로 강구하는가에서 판가름 난다.

우리는 혹독한 시련을 견디고 뛰어넘는 산 공부를 해가며 강인해졌다.

세상을 밝게 맑게 바르게 보고 이 사회에 보탬이 될 목적으로 살면 할 일은 태산처럼 많다.

사회 각 분야에서 열심히 훌륭하게 자기 일을 하는 사람들에게 솔직하게 존경과 찬사를 보낼 수 있는 나라가 제대로 발전한다.

우리는 원대한 꿈과 긍정적인 청사진을 가지고 미래를 내다 보아야 한다.

인류의 모든 발전은 긍정적인 사고를 가진 사람들의 주도 아래 이루어졌다.

'시간은 돈'이라고들 하나, 나는 '시간은 생명'이라고 하고 싶다.

참다운 지식은 직접 부딪혀 체험으로 얻는 것이며, 그래야만 가치를 제대로 아는 것이다.

길이 없으면 길을 찾고 찾아도 없으면 길을 닦아가면서 나가면 된다.

시련이란, 뛰어 넘으라고 있는 것이지 걸려 엎어지라고 있는 것이 아니다.



All Koreans are people who can overcome any difficulties with excellent mental strength if they make up their mind.

(At the groundbreaking ceremony of heavy industry in March 1972)

He who thinks he can do anything will do it. If you suspect, you can only do as much as you suspect, and if you think you can't do it, you can't do it.

(Construction site of Jubale Industrial Port in 1976)

The more people think no, the stronger the determination to make it work, and the more intense the effort to make it work.

(When Hyundai Shipyard was conceived in 1970)

The most fatal mistake of all is to give up the job.

(When Line 1 was built in 1973)

I have a goal to make 現를 the cleanest company rather than the largest. If we make the cleanest company, we will be able to develop into the most efficient company with the highest public trust not only in Korea but also in the world.

(Special lecture by Hyundai Group executives in 1983)

One wants to be lazy in moderation, funny in moderation, and comfortable in moderation.

There is nothing as stupid as letting precious time slip through the net of "moderately."

A person who lives thinking can accomplish 10 or 100 times more than an ordinary person.

This is why they criticize those who go to play, play or not, work or not during working hours, and sleep or not.

(In the December 1980 issue of the newsletter interview)

I don't know if you rate me as a Korean who runs a global conglomerate, but I'm just a rich worker.

The reason I wake up early all my life (at a dinner to celebrate my honorary doctorate in business administration at George Washington University's dinner to celebrate my honorary doctorate in business administration.

(July 1983 New Employee Training Conference)

I can live with a feeling of happiness because I see this world beautifully, brightly, hopefully, and positively.

(In a special lecture on the summer training tournament for new employees in July 1983) The workplace is not for salary, but for one's own development.

One has both bad luck and good luck. It's a good luck to have a good time to work. A hard worker has no time for bad luck. People who say they are unlucky are usually lazy.

His own failure (at the Gwangju MBC Civic Education Lecture in July 1991) should be kept in mind. He who forgets failure has only another failure.

It is not difficult to build a ship (at the Thai Thai Highway site in 1966). It's just a difference in building the construction work we do by moving from land to water.

What we do well is what the country does well (in reviewing the construction of the shipyard in 1971), and what the country does well is the way we can do well.

I start with any factory until this day, and I build a stake and pave the way, and there is no factory that I have not started by building with my own hands.

All the adventurous information, all the adventurous effort, all the adventurous courage is essential to a company's success.

International competitiveness is determined by which country and company seek policy alternatives that adapt to new changes faster and more properly.

We grew stronger by enduring the harsh ordeal and studying mountain climbing.

There is a lot of work to do if you look at the world bright and clear and live for the purpose of contributing to this society.

A country that can honestly express respect and praise to people who work hard and do their jobs well in various fields of society is developing properly.

We must look to the future with a grand dream and a positive blueprint.

All human development has been led by people with positive thoughts.

They say time is money, but I want to say time is life.

True knowledge is obtained by directly hitting it and experiencing it, so that you know the value properly.

If there is no road, you can find a road and if there is no road, you can go out while cleaning the road.

An ordeal is to jump over, not to trip over.
